Friday, September 28, 2012

If Only

If only I had some incredible and epic excuse for why I haven't posted in an age and a half.  Well, things have happened dear readers.  Things have indeed happened.  I lost my job as well as an amazing opportunity at a startup tech company, went through a phase of just awful unemployment, and gained one of the best jobs I have ever had.

So you know what I'm going to do for you?  Oh, it's a special little gift indeed.  Here is my timeline chronicled with my reactions/feelings using Game of Thrones characters (the show I was thoroughly obsessed with during this period).

The Lost Timeline:

Losing my job

 Dealing with the feeling of unemployment

Not getting callbacks from interviews

Interviewing for my new amazing job

Closing the deal/getting the job!

So I'm back and ready for action!  More and frequent blog posts to come.  Especially now that I'm located in the mission neighborhood of San Francisco... man it's crazy over here.