Friday, September 23, 2011

Shoes. OMG Shoes.

Lately I have been on a bit of a shoe-craze.  I went from driving to work (where I didn't have to walk more than a few blocks) in a pretty casual environment, to working downtown where I walk about 2 miles per day next to people in business suits and super fresh outfits.  Fancy!

Granted, not everyone walking about is in Prada and Gucci, but a girl has to step up her game in such an environment!  It came to my sudden realization that I am severely lacking in the shoe department.  But what am I to do when I walk at least 1.5 miles during the day?  I can't walk around in stilettos!

Now that I've been thinking about it so much, and peeping at other people's shoe choices waaaay too much, I decided to come up with a fail-safe list of shoes that are completely necessary for a San Francisco girl on the run.

1. Flats, duh.  Like these cuties from Nine West.  Not exactly as comfortable as a tennis shoe, but they get the job done.

2. Sandals.  Holy hell, it has been hot downtown lately.  There is nothing worse than being hot and sweaty in your office.  How can you get any work done this way?  Answer: you can't.  Invest in a cute pair of sandals like these from Chinese Laundry, you'll thank me.

3. Casual heels.  Sometimes, you want to be fancy too, eh?  I suggest taking a peek at The Walking Company's selection of dressy heels.  These shoes were MADE for walking.  I absolutely love these peep-toe pumps.

4. Boots.  Ah yes, boots.  Get yourself a nice pair of flat boots and you will be dancing on sunshine every day.  These puppies are so comfortable, I'd be wearing them every day if it wasn't hot as Hades lately.  Can't wait for the winter season!

Monday, September 19, 2011


Not a few seconds ago, I came across this word.  It tickled me pink, and made me feel like I had finally found the word that would describe me best.  What a lovely and exhilarating feeling!  Bibliophile.  Yup, that's-a-me!

From the tangy smell of the binding to the dry softness of the pages, I have been in love with books since I was a young girl.  Currently, I am reading Stephen King's The Stand, and I just simply can't put it down.  Although anything with the suffix "phile" always seems disturbing (bringing to mind pedophile and necrophile... eek!), I think I can make an exception just this one time.

If you love books as much as I do, I would love to know what some of your favorites are.  The genre I enjoy the most is science fiction, and if you have never read any Robert A. Heinlein, then I urge you to start with The Moon is a Harsh Mistress or Time Enough For Love.

A couple weeks ago I finally read Pride & Prejudice and fell completely in love with it.  Aaaaaah how I do love books!

*Sigh* Don't you just want to LIVE here?

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Christmas in... September?

OK, OK, I know that it may be a wee bit early to start talking about Christmas.  A good friend of mine recently confided that she had already purchased most of her gifts, and was also already listening to Christmas carols!  Although you could never accuse me of planning months ahead for anything (except when I moved out of my parent's house and bought stuff over a year in advance), I've had "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" stuck in my head ever since I heard her confession!

I can't help myself!  My reasoning for never buying presents too far in advance is simply this: the person will more than likely end up getting whatever I may buy for them before I get to give it.  I simply hate returning things, thus I wait until 2 days before Christmas.  Admittedly, not the greatest of plans, so this year I think we can find some middle ground here.

Luckily, this time I will finally be not-exactly-broke and have the funds to purchase some very lovely gifts for my loved ones. 

Also, I keep thinking how much I am looking forward to the weather!  I love snuggling up in boots, coats, scarves, and hats.  I love drinking something hot and watching the rain come down outside.  I love all the time I get to spend with all of my families.  I LOVE the food I'll get to eat.  Turkey & cranberry, pumpkin empanadas, Spanish cookies, a ton of tamales, and my dad's mashed potatoes from HEAVEN.  Not to mention the sweet delicious vino I will get to drink, all in the company of the people I love the most.

It's no wonder I love the holidays!